Price & Assortment: Unlocking the future of travel retail

20partners Airport_Price_Blog-1024x683 Price & Assortment: Unlocking the future of travel retail Journal  travel retail price

By Marco Passoni Sometimes I feel like I am shouting into a void in this market. No matter how often I, and others, speak about the importance of price in travel retail, it is regularly swept away or dismissed as ‘less than’ or an issue the industry does not want to engage with. Of course, […]

Price Matters – Embrace It with Pride!

20partners Price_Blog_HEader-1024x510 Price Matters – Embrace It with Pride! Journal  travel retail price

By Marco Passoni As I write this, I am waiting to board a plane after three busy but insightful days at the Trinity Forum in Hong Kong, hosted by The Moodie Davitt Report. The discussions and presentations during the event have been first class, with fascinating insights and ideas presented by experts and innovators in […]

For tax-free shopping, 20% off is not a discount, it’s a prerequisite

20partners 20pc-tax-free-1024x684 For tax-free shopping, 20% off is not a discount, it's a prerequisite Journal  travel retail price

By Marco Passoni Travel retail will pay a high price for not focusing on price. I feel like I am repeating myself, or maybe shouting into an echo chamber, but I feel I must share once more a fact which, to me, is vital to the recovery and rebuilding of the travel retail market: Price […]