Store Wars: How the luxury sector is building its future

20partners shutterstock_381497032_WEB-1024x684 Store Wars: How the luxury sector is building its future Journal  travel retail pop-ups luxury

By Marco Passoni When it comes to buying property the rule, they say, is ‘location, location, location’. The same is certainly true for luxury, but there is another important rule too: image is everything. Big luxury players do not want to be outdone by their rivals, and that is why today we are seeing luxury […]

Building the future: 6 lessons to shape travel retail in 2024

20partners shutterstock_airport-1024x683 Building the future: 6 lessons to shape travel retail in 2024 Journal  travel retail

By Marco Passoni We are halfway through 2024 and it has been, to me, an interesting and exciting year for travel retail so far. The recent TFWA Asia Pacific event in Singapore showcased the excitement which is back in the market, and we are seeing new concepts and ideas begin to surface. But alongside this, […]

What is Asia Pacific’s role in the future of travel retail?

20partners shutterstock_151408760_WEB-1024x683 What is Asia Pacific’s role in the future of travel retail? Journal  travel retail

By Marco Passoni Asia Pacific is one of the most talked-about regions in our business and this week, the eyes of the travel retail sector will be on it as we touch down for the TFWA Asia Pacific Conference & Exhibition. I, for one, am delighted to be back in the city to discuss the […]

Travel retail cannot survive if we do simple things wrong

20partners FAIL-BLOG-1024x545 Travel retail cannot survive if we do simple things wrong Journal  travel retail

By Marco Passoni How much is it acceptable to charge for a bottle of water in an airport? I was walking through a major European airport this week, one which you would be forgiven for expecting to offer the best in bespoke service and travel retail excitement. In among all the luxury stores, and parts […]

The New Travel Retail: Why training matters more than ever

20partners shutterstock_229325944_WEB-1024x837 The New Travel Retail: Why training matters more than ever Journal  travel retail training staffing

By Marco Passoni The travel retail sector has changed. In fact it still is changing, evolving every day as the needs and demographics of our shoppers continue to shift. While Chinese travellers are being slower to return, Indian and Vietnamese consumers are set to play a bigger role on the international stage, and as Gen […]

How to engage the markets which will shape the future of luxury and travel retail

20partners shutterstock_2447066293_WEB_1-1024x598 How to engage the markets which will shape the future of luxury and travel retail Journal  travel retail

By Marco Passoni There can be no doubt that China’s stranglehold on being the dominant player in both the luxury and travel retail sectors has been broken. Last week’s report by the Hurun Research Institute outlined the drop in average spend by China’s high-net worth shoppers, the first ever APTRA India Conference last month shone […]

The keys to unlocking a desirable and engaging brand experience in 2024

20partners LV_Luxury_TR_Airport_2024-1024x683 The keys to unlocking a desirable and engaging brand experience in 2024 Journal  travel retail luxury experience

By Marco Passoni There is no doubt that brands are working hard in both the luxury and travel retail sectors in 2024, but I increasingly find myself asking if, in travel retail certainly, they are working in the right way. Or even, are some working as hard as they claim? Think back to your last […]

Louis Vuitton The Place and why in-store experience needs some real innovation

20partners LVTHEPLACE2-1024x683 Louis Vuitton The Place and why in-store experience needs some real innovation Journal  travel retail luxury experience

By Marco Passoni Is there a better example of a brilliant physical retail experience than LV The Place from Louis Vuitton, which opened its doors in Bangkok last week? Not merely a restaurant, bar, or a run-of-the-mill luxury store, this stunning space breaks down and disregards traditional boundaries to embody elements of each in what […]