Sustainability – travel retail’s open goal

20partners 20blgo_SustGoal-1024x576 Sustainability – travel retail’s open goal Journal  travel retail Sustainability

By Marco Passoni If I see one more claim of being a “sustainability leader” in the travel retail market from a brand which has put some recycled plastic into its products, I am going to scream. Like the term “disruptive” in 2022, calling yourself a sustainability leader is losing all meaning in the market today. […]

Who pays the price for sustainability?

20partners Screenshot-2024-06-08-at-09.44.14WEB-1024x599 Who pays the price for sustainability? Journal  Sustainability

By Marco Passoni This Saturday was World Ocean Day, which is a cause very close to my heart. As a sailor, I have spent much of my life on the water and I feel very keenly about the importance of working to protect it for ourselves and future generations. This is why I am incredibly […]

Travel Retail vs Sustainability

20partners environment-4853144_6401 Travel Retail vs Sustainability Journal  travel retail Sustainability

Sustainability was the talk of the town in Cannes this year during the TFWA World Exhibition. This is a topic which has been close to my heart for many years, but in my first return to Cannes since the pandemic, I heard the word mentioned more than every before. It was a focus for brands […]

Plastic Hunters Assemble: The first 2.0 & Partners Beach Clean

20partners Plastinc-hunters-assemble Plastic Hunters Assemble: The first 2.0 & Partners Beach Clean Journal  Sustainability Plastic Hunters

Often in this blog, I have spoken of the need for more than empty words and promises in the battle for sustainability. Our industry, and our world, are beyond positive sentiments. We need real actions – both in-house and on a larger scale. This is why I am proud of the support we at 2.0 […]

Time to break the rules: How to put sustainability first

20partners PAT_SUST_Blog-1024x576 Time to break the rules: How to put sustainability first Journal  travel retail Sustainability

By Marco Passoni I read a recent interview with Patagonia Founder Yvon Chouinard, the man who has set the bar for delivering true sustainability in business. He is someone worth listening to in the current market as he has blazed a trail with a forward thinking approach which truly has sustainability at its heart. In […]

Make it count: Do more than just turn off the lights this Earth Hour

20partners Ocean-Cover-pic-1024x610 Make it count: Do more than just turn off the lights this Earth Hour Journal  Sustainability

By Marco Passoni Earth Hour is this Saturday. Organised by the World Wildlife Fund since 2007, Earth Hour is famous for people around the world turning off lights in support of the battle against climate change. But, like so many other things, symbolic support for an issue without taking actual steps is now pointless. The […]

What we have learned in 2022 in luxury and travel retail

20partners Looking-Back-blog-12-12-1024x576 What we have learned in 2022 in luxury and travel retail Journal  travel retail Sustainability luxury digital

By Marco Passoni As we bid farewell to 2022, we are putting behind us a year which I believe has shaped the future of how we will do business in both the luxury and travel retail markets. The trends and changes which we have grappled with in the past 12 months will define many of […]